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August 2018

In this episode of the podcast, Andrew unpacks his thoughts about the response he has received after announcing a $25000 poker giveaway.  Andrew and Busi then shift the conversation to the cost of dating in the US and Andrew shares his date ideas and strategy.

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Andrew’s Youtube Channel

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Music By DJ Quads

Playing with Fire

August 24, 2018
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In this episode of the podcast, Busi and Andrew discuss Andrew’s childhood escapades, ignoring  text messages and the ever changing nature of relationships. They also discuss the fun parts of weddings and why playing with fire is so much fun.

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Andrew’s Youtube Channel

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Music By DJ Quads

What Did I Get Myself Into?

August 17, 2018
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In this episode of the podcast, Andrew takes the lead as podcast host from Los Angeles California. They discuss the Live at the Bike games, and Andrew’s  Youtube audience’s feedback on his play. We talk about swimsuit discrimination, millennial favourite brands and dating people in different generations.

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Andrew’s Youtube Channel

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Music By DJ Quads

Are we having kids?

August 10, 2018
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In this episode of Tells, Busi and Andrew talk about inspiration, where it can be found and Andrew’s view on new streaming technology. They discuss the peer pressure to have kids and they also share how they fixed the minor source of tension in their relationship.

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Andrew’s Youtube Channel

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Music By DJ Quads

We’re back! On this episode of Tells, Busi and Andrew chat about their holiday and the  lessons and observations they made about each other. We also discuss Andrew’s predictions about the future of travel and how air marshals may be watching you sleep. Andrew shares some tips on how to survive the poker slump in the slowest month of poker in Las Vegas.

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Andrew’s Youtube Channel

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Music By DJ Quads